اهم الوظائف


وظائف فى شركة صحفية فى قطر - وظائف جريدة الراية اليوم

أكمل المقال
اعلانات وظائف جريدة الراية القطرية
 وظائف فى شركة صحافية وظائف شاغرة فى قطر 
مطلوب موزعو صحف ومجلات عربية وانجليزية
شرط نقل كفالة .
وظائف جريدة الراية القطرية الخميس 9/10/2014
وظائف فى شركة صحفية  وظائف فى قطر.


وظائف جريدة Gulf Times الثلاثاء 7/10/2014

أكمل المقال
اعلانات وظائف جريدة Gulf Times القطرية اليوم الثلاثاء 7 اكتوبر 2014
URGENTLY NEED HOUSEMAID and baby sitter to work in Al 
Sadd, age below 40 years old, must speak English properly. 
Work Saturday to Thursday, Friday off. Filipina, Srilanka and 
Nepali nationality only. Contact 50306671.
INDIAN FAMILY (Husband, Wife and Child) is looking for a 
live in Nepali housemaid. Visa available. Contact 33759135


أكمل المقال
1. Indoor- Sales Advisors (Arabs preferred)
2. Outdoor sales - SME (Candidates must have 
local sales experience, a valid driving license and should 
be under Company sponsor).
• Do you listen to what a customer really wants?
• Are you prepared to go the extra mile? 
• Do you have a passion for sales?
• Are you fluent in English and Arabic? 
• Do you love finding out about the latest technology?
• Do you have at least 3 years experience in sales? 
If you answer YES to all of the above, APPLY NOW!
When: Thursday, 9th October 2014 at 8:30 am.
Where: 10th floor, Al Reem/Tatweer Tower (near City Centre, 
behind the New Intercontinental Hotel the City, next to Ministry 
of administrative development, West Bay area)
For further information please call 
44820300 or send your CV to careers@dsq.qa